Monday, November 26, 2007


Create the look and feel before you build, remodel or decorate with actual colours, flooring , furniture, windows and more. Begin with a pre-defined Better Homes and Gardens Home style template or choose from one of 1,500 sample plans to inspire your own custom design.

Civisoft Estimation 3.02 Plus

Civisoft Estimation 3.02 PlusIt is one of the very useful software for civil engineers.It is a must for every civilian.

Home Plan Pro 5.1.80

Home Plan Pro 5.1.80Home design has never been easier than with Home Plan ProWant to build your dream house? Add a room to your home? Whatever your drawing needs, Home Plan Pro is your best choice.- It is so easy to learn how to use, you can begin drawing plans within minutes.- Since it is easy to use, you save tons of time.


ProKon is a program that is intended to perform numerical conversions between the various units used in the scientific and business community. Early versions of ProKon were capable of performing this, and only this, function. As the program has evolved, many things have been added so that the current version is capable of doing much, much more.

A Working Guide to Process Equipment

Chemical engineers and technicians often can't identify the source of equipment malfunctions because they don't understand how the equipment works. This easy-to-read guide offers explanations of the inner workings of equipment in petroleum refineries, chemical and pharmaceutical plants, fertilizer plants, and other continuous process facilities. Tips, worked out calculations, and simple process figures expedite troubleshooting of problems in heaters, turbines, vacuum systems, instrumentation, refrigeration systems, compressors, and much more.

SynaptiCAD AllProducts

Want a powerful, yet easy to use simulation environment? SynaptiCAD’s simulation and debugging tools provide a standard interface for controlling all of your simulation tools.
VeriLogger Extreme: high-performance compiled-code Verilog 2001 simulatorBugHunter Pro: graphical debugger for all HDL simulatorsGigawave Viewer: VCD/SPICE waveform viewerSynaptiCAD’s timing diagram editors have the most extensive and accurate timing analysis features available in any timing diagram editor on the market including delay correlation, reconvergent fan-out, and clocks that model jitter and buffer delays. Three different levels of editing let you pick the best price and feature set for your application:
DataSheet Pro: professional data sheet editorWaveFormer Pro: timing diagram editor + waveform translatorTiming Diagrammer Pro: timing diagram editor

Dictionary Of Engineering

Features Of Dictionary:
• Has been extensively revised, with 9000 entries encompassing the language of engineering
• Includes synonyms, acronyms, and abbreviations
• Provides pronunciations for all terms
• Covers such topics as building construction, chemical engineering, civil engineering, control systems, design engineering, engineering acoustics, industrial engineering, information technology and computing, mechanical engineering, systems engineering, telecommunications, and thermodynamics
• Includes an appendix containing tables of useful data and information

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fluid Mechanics

Quantitative Methods in Reservoir Engineering

For the practitioner, this volume is a valuable tool for predicting reservoir flow in the most efficient and profitable manner possible, using quantitative methods rather than anecdotal and outdated methods. For the student, this volume offers insight not covered in other textbooks.Too many approaches in traditional petroleum engineering are based on "ad hoc" and "common sense" methods that have no rigorous mathematical basis. Most textbooks dealing with reservoir engineering do not go into the necessary mathematical detail and depth. This new book by Wilson Chin, a revision of two earlier books published by Gulf Publishing, Modern Reservoir Flow and Well Transient Analysis and Formation Invasion, integrates rigorous mathematical methods for simulating and predicting reservoir flow both near and away from the well.

Carpentry and Framing Inspection

Book Description

Up to Code: Carpentry and Framing Inspection Notes is an on-the-job “cliff notes” resource, packed with information that will save time and money while ensuring quality. To-do checklists, charts and tables with at-a-glance calculations, who’s-responsible-for-what info, and diagrams that clearly illustrate complicated information make it fast and easy for busy building professionals to do their jobs thoroughly and efficiently, and avoid costly mistakes. The books help building pros establish and meet inspection guidelines, and provide clients with schedules and specifications. Each of the Up to Code: Inspection Notes is focused on the IBC (International Building Code), the most widely adopted building code in North America. Carpentry and Framing will also focus on information from the EWA (Engineered Wood Association), and the International Energy Conservation Code, International Fire Code, and ICC Performance Code. Each guide covers: Responsibility; Authority; Quality Control and Assurance; Plans and Specifications; Shop Drawings; Inspectors Daily Report; Pre-Construction Meeting; Equipment Proposal; Claims; Progress Schedules; Labor Enforcement; Storage of Materials; Contractor’s Payment; Rights-of-Way; Record Drawings; Project Turnover; Inspection Files; Recommended Equipment; Inspection; Safety.

Finite Element Method: Volume 2, Solid Mechanics

"It is very difficult to write a book which covers the entire finite element field. ..The authors have made a splendid attempt at a very difficult task. The books remain a tremendous bargain...and are an invaluable guide to the entire field of finite elements. If you are serious about working on finite elements you cannot do without this book."Mathematics Today, August 2001.
"...the publication of the first edition was an epoch making is written by...the greatest theorist of the subject. If you are serious about finite elements, this is a book that you simply cannot afford to be without."International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering.
"..the pre-eminent reference work on finite element analysis." Applied Mechanical Review
"...a very good book...presentation is first class...will be of great assistance to all engineers and scientists interested in the method...a very commendable piece of work." Journal of the British Society for Strain Measurement.

Civil Engineering Formulas

This handy book presents more than 2000 needed formulas for civil engineers to help them in the design office, in the field, and on a variety of construction jobs, anywhere in the world. These formulas are also useful to design drafters, structural engineers, bridge engineers, foundation builders and students in a variety of civil engineering pursuits.

Basic Coastal Engineering

This text/reference is the only one of its kind to offer the basics on surface wave mechanics and coastal processes along with the fundamentals of coastal engineering analysis and design. It also provides the necessary background from which the reader can pursue a more advanced study of the various theoretical and applied aspects of coastal hydromechanics and coastal engineering design. This classic text/reference offers senior and beginning post-graduate students in civil and mechanical engineering or the physical and environmental sciences a well-rounded introduction to coastal engineering. Engineers and physical environmental scientists who have not had the opportunity for formal study in coastal engineering, but would like to become familiar with the subject, will also benefit from this timely resource. This classic text/reference offers senior and beginning post-graduate students in civil and mechanical engineering or the physical and environmental sciences a well-rounded introduction to coastal engineering.

Mechanics and Strength of Materials

This textbook gives a clear and thorough presentation of the fundamental principles of mechanics and strength of materials. It provides both the theory and applications of mechanics of materials on an intermediate theoretical level, ranging from the mechanical properties of materials through the effects of axial load, torsion, bending, and transverse shear to stresses and strains in bars and continuum mechanics. The book is aimed at graduate and advanced undergraduate students in materials science courses in Mechanical, Civil, and Aerospace Engineering departments. Due to its solid theoretical presentation of basic concepts, the book can also be used as a reference tool by postgraduates and researchers in the fields of solid mechanics as well as practicing engineers.”

Rock Mechanics

Although Rock Mechanics addresses many of the rock mechanics issues which arise in underground mining engineering, it is not a text exclusively for mining applications. It consists of five categories of topics on the science and practice of rock engineering: basic engineering principles relevant to rock mechanics; mechanical properties of rock and rock masses; design of underground excavations in various rock mass conditions; mining methods and their implementation; and guidelines on rock mechanics practice. Throughout the text, and particularly in those sections concerned with excavation design and design of mining layouts, reference is made to computational methods of analysis of stress and displacement in a rock mass. The principles of various computational schemes, such as boundary element, finite element and distinct element methods, are considered. This new edition has been completely revised to reflect the notable innovations in mining engineering and the remarkable developments in the science of rock mechanics and the practice of rock engineering that have taken place over the last two decades. Based on extensive professional, research and teaching experience, this book will provide an authoritative and comprehensive text for final year undergraduates and commencing postgraduate students. For professional practitioners, not only will it be of interest to mining and geological engineers but also to civil engineers, structural and mining geologists and geophysicists as a standard work for professional reference purposes.

Riverbank Filtration: Improving Source-Water Quality

This book describes the current and state-of-the-art applications of RBF technology as currently practised in two continents. No other resource like it exists. Its purpose is to show that RBF is a low-cost and efficient alternative water treatment process for drinking-water applications. This book is aimed at researchers with an interest in riverbank filtration, drinking-water and water quality working at Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geography departments. It can also be used as a professional reference for consulting engineers, regulators, water utility managers and planners, working at consultancies, governmental agencies and professional associations.

Masonry Wall Construction


Drawing on a wealth of experience the authors present an essential and comprehensive coverage of masonry wall construction for students of civil and structural engineering, architecture, building, surveying and related courses. It will also be a useful guide for practising engineers and other professionals who require a general knowledge of masonry construction.

Finite Element Method: A Practical Course

The Finite Element Method (FEM) has become an indispensable technology for the modelling and simulation of engineering systems. Written for engineers and students alike, the aim of the book is to provide the necessary theories and techniques of the FEM for readers to be able to use a commercial FEM package to solve primarily linear problems in mechanical and civil engineering with the main focus on structural mechanics and heat transfer.
Fundamental theories are introduced in a straightforward way, and state-of-the-art techniques for designing and analyzing engineering systems, including microstructural systems are explained in detail. Case studies are used to demonstrate these theories, methods, techniques and practical applications, and numerous diagrams and tables are used throughout.
The case studies and examples use the commercial software package ABAQUS, but the techniques explained are equally applicable for readers using other applications including NASTRAN, ANSYS, MARC, etc.

Earthquake Risk Reduction

Encompassing theory and field experience, this book covers all the main subject areas in earthquake risk reduction, ranging from geology, seismology, structural and soil dynamics to hazard and risk assessment, risk management and planning, engineering and the architectural design of new structures and equipment. Earthquake Risk Reduction outlines individual national weaknesses that contribute to earthquake risk to people and property; calculates the seismic response of soils and structures, using the structural continuum 'Subsoil - Substructure - Superstructure - Non-structure'; evaluates the effectiveness of given designs and construction procedures for reducing casualties and financial losses; provides guidance on the key issue of choice of structural form; presents earthquake resistant designs methods for the four main structural materials - steel, concrete, reinforced masonry and timber - as well as for services equipment, plant and non-structural architectural components; contains a chapter devoted to problems involved in improving (retrofitting) the existing built environment.

Foundations of Engineering Geology

The second edition of this well established book provides a readable and highly illustrated overview of the main facets of geology for engineers. Each topic is presented as a double-page spread with a careful mix of text, tables, and diagrams. Comprehensively updated, and with four new sections, Foundations of Engineering Geology covers the entire spectrum of topics of interest to both student and professional.'This is an excellent book that will be invaluable not only as a textbook for students taking an engineering geology, geology or civil engineering course but also as a reference book/aide memoire in later years as they (and we more advanced practitioners) follow their careers.' - Geological Magazine Vol 146 12/03

Handbook of Reliability Engineering

An effective reliability programme is an essential component of every product's design, testing and efficient production. From the failure analysis of a microelectronic device to software fault tolerance and from the accelerated life testing of mechanical components to hardware verification, a common underlying philosophy of reliability applies. Defining both fundamental and applied work across the entire systems reliability arena, this state-of-the-art reference presents methodologies for quality, maintainability and dependability. Featuring: Contributions from 60 leading reliability experts in academia and industry giving comprehensive and authoritative coverage. A distinguished international Editorial Board ensuring clarity and precision throughout. Extensive references to the theoretical foundations, recent research and future directions described in each chapter. Comprehensive subject index providing maximum utility to the reader. Applications and examples across all branches of engineering including IT, power, automotive and aerospace sectors. The handbook's cross-disciplinary scope will ensure that it serves as an indispensable tool for researchers in industrial, electrical, electronics, computer, civil, mechanical and systems engineering. It will also aid professional engineers to find creative reliability solutions and management to evaluate systems reliability and to improve processes.

Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures

Taking an engineering rather than a mathematical bias, this work brings together concepts behind different branches of work on non-linear finite elements. Practically-oriented, it acknowledges the increasing role of computers in non-linear analysis by including a series of computer applications. Topics include plasticity; beams and rods in two-dimensional framework; shells; hyper-elasticity; rubber; kinematic hardening; yield criteria with volume effects; large rotations; three-dimensional beams and rods; and stability theory. Also examines advanced solution procedures for non-linear analysis such as line searchers, quasi-Newton and acceleration techniques, arc-length methods, automatic increments and re-starts.

Structural and Stress Analysis

Structural analysis is the corner stone of civil engineering and all students must obtain a thorough understanding of the techniques available to analyse and predict stress in any structure. This text provides the student with a comprehensive introduction to all types of structural and stress analysis. Starting from an explanation of the basic principles of statics, normal and shear force and bending moments and torsion. It goes on to examine the different structures in which consideration of these is paramount, from simple pin joints to suspension cables. The properties of materials are outlined and all aspects of beam theory are examined in full. Finally the author discusses the key area of instability in structures.
Virtually no prior knowledge of structures is assumed and students requiring an accessible and comprehensive insight into stress analysis will find no better book available.
*Ofers a comprehensive overview of structural analysis
*Invaluable to undergraduate civil engineers
*Numerous worked examples and problems

The Engineering Handbook, Second Edition

The second edition of the Engineering Handbook provides a ready reference for the practicing engineer in industry, government, and academia. The book is divided into 30 sections that encompass the field of engineering and provides the most up-to-date information in the classical fields: mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical, biomedical engineering (new), nanotechnology/MEMS (new), environmental, industrial, and aerospace engineering as well as the underlying fields of mathematics and materials. The Handbook satisfies the information needs of all professional engineers, whether they work in industry, education, or government.

Handbook of Soil Analysis: Mineralogical, Organic and Inorganic Methods

This handbook is a reference guide for selecting and carrying out numerous methods of soil analysis. It is written in accordance with analytical standards and quality control approaches.It covers a large body of technical information including protocols, tables, formulae, spectrum models, chromatograms and additional analytical diagrams. The approaches are diverse, from the simplest tests to the most sophisticated determination methods in the physical chemistry of mineralogical and organic structures, available and total elements, soil exchange complex, pesticides and contaminants, trace elements and isotopes.As a basic reference, it will be particularly useful to scientists, engineers, technicians, professors and students, in the areas of soil science, agronomy, earth and environmental sciences as well as in related fields such as analytical chemistry, geology, hydrology, ecology, climatology, civil engineering and industrial activities associated with soil.

Mechanics of Structural Elements: Theory and Applications

The book systematically presents variational principles and methods of analysis for applied elasticity and structural mechanics. The variational approach is used consistently for both, constructing numerical procedures and deriving basic governing equations of applied mechanics of solids; it is the derivation of equations where this approach is most powerful and best grounded by mathematics. The book is oriented towards experts in civil engineering, researchers, developers of software for mechanical strength, stability, and oscillation analysis; it can be used by practical engineers who employ software tools to do their job and who want to know more about the theoretical background of the strength analysis. The book will be useful to senior and postgraduate students of engineering, to professors of structural analysis at civil or mechanical engineering departments of technical universities.

The Transportation Experience: Policy, Planning, and Deployment

Taking an engineering rather than a mathematical bias, this work brings together concepts behind different branches of work on non-linear finite elements. Practically-oriented, it acknowledges the increasing role of computers in non-linear analysis by including a series of computer applications. Topics include plasticity; beams and rods in two-dimensional framework; shells; hyper-elasticity; rubber; kinematic hardening; yield criteria with volume effects; large rotations; three-dimensional beams and rods; and stability theory. Also examines advanced solution procedures for non-linear analysis such as line searchers, quasi-Newton and acceleration techniques, arc-length methods, automatic increments and re-starts.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Offshore Pielines

Introduction to Marine Engineering

Building Systems for Interior designers

Soil Engineering:Testing,Design, and Remediation

Earthquake Engineering Handbook

Rib Construction Suite

RIB Construction Suite is an innovative, powerful, flexible and fully integrated cost management system. Its modular structure allows you to choose the software you need to handle your project and cost management
RIB Software is one of the world’s leading providers of construction industry software. More than 12,000 organisations and 50,000 individual users worldwide are enjoying the benefits of RIB Construction Suite, a powerful, flexible and ully integrated cost management system that standardises estimating methods and provides reliable cost data for benchmarking

Primavera project planner 5.0

Thursday, November 22, 2007

CSi Safe V8.08

SAFE is a special purpose program that automates the analysis and design of simple to complex concrete flat plates and foundation systems using powerful object based modeling. The program can analyze and design slabs or mats of arbitrary shapes and varying thickness, drop panels, openings, edge beams and discontinuities. Foundations can be combinations of Mats, Strip Footings or Isolated Spread Footings.
CSiDETAILER is a new completely integrated software package for automatically producing drawings of reinforcing details for slabs that have been analyzed and designed using SAFE, The Slab Analysis and Design Software based upon the Finite Element Method!

Surfer 8.02

Surfer is a contouring and 3D surface mapping program that runs under Microsoft Windows. It quickly and easily converts your data into outstanding contour, surface, wireframe, vector, image, shaded relief, and post maps. Virtually all aspects of your maps can be customized to produce exactly the presentation you want. Producing publication quality maps has never been quicker or easier.

Autodesk Autocad 2008

ArchiCAD 11

Graphisoft's ArchiCAD 11 delivers new and enriched capabilities designed to help architects develop their concepts, compete for business more effectively and boost business efficiency. The enhancements reinforce ArchiCAD® as an extraordinarily powerful design tool for architectural practices - large and small - worldwide. Click on the images below to find out more.

ArchiCAD's open architecture and support of IFC standards let the Virtual Building be easily connected with, and used in conjunction with, a variety of third party tools such as structural and energy analysis, freeform modeling and photo rendering applications.

ETABS 9.1.4 Nonelinear

For nearly 30 years, ETABS has been recognized as the industry standard for Building Analysis and Design Software. Today, continuing in the same tradition, ETABS has evolved into a completely Integrated Building Analysis and Design Environment. The System built around a physical object based graphical user interface, powered by targeted new special purpose algorithms for analysis and design, with interfaces for drafting and manufacturing, is redefining standards of integration, productivity and technical innovation.

Tekla Structures v13 ISO

Tekla Structures software is a building information modeling (BIM) tool that streamlines the delivery process of design, detailing, manufacture, and construction organizations. While integrating openly with architectural models, the strength of this single-model environment lies in the contractor end of the process. Thousands of Tekla Structures software users in more than 80 countries have successfully delivered BIM-based projects across the world. Tekla Structures' ability to process extensive amounts of data offers the possibility to create a detailed 3D model that applies to every stage of design and construction. From planning and design development thru to fabrication and installation, Tekla models naturally develop in parallel, representing the "as-built" condition of a building. Tekla Structures effectively integrates into any best-of-breed software driven workflow, while maintaining the highest levels of data integrity and accuracy. Such collaborative workflows are the cornerstone to minimizing errors and maximizing efficiency, resulting in high profitability and on-time project completion. Tekla Structures encompasses specialized configurations for structural engineers, steel detailers and fabricators, precast concrete detailers and manufacturers, as well as contractors.

CSiCOL 8.31

CSiCOL 8.31



CSiCOL is a comprehensive software package used for the analysis and design of columns. The design of columns of any concrete, reinforced concrete, or composite cross-section can be carried out by the program. CSiCOL provides a 'Quick Design Wizard' tool that guides the users step-by-step, through the whole process of column design. This makes the design process simple, organized and efficient. The design can be carried out in accordance with ACI-318-02, ACI-318-99, BS8110 or CSA A-23.3-94 codes.

Mathcad 14.0


* Easy to learn and use - no special programming skills required
* Increases productivity, saving engineers time and reducing errors
* Improves verification and validation of critical calculations
* Promotes calculation best practices and reuse of calculation content
* Complete documentation of calculations supports standards compliance

Autodesk Civil 3D 2007

Make your move to AutoCAD Civil 3D software and help your team complete a wide range of civil engineering projects faster, smarter, and more accurately. By intelligently linking design and production drafting, the industry-proven dynamic model at the core of Civil 3D allows you to evaluate multiple design alternatives quickly, minimize manual edits, and output updated plans automatically.

Autodesk Revit Architecture v2008

Revit Architecture software works the way you think, so you can create naturally, design freely, and deliver efficiently. And because it is purpose-built for building information modeling (BIM), any change you make—anytime, anywhere—is automatically coordinated throughout your project. Designs and documentation stay coordinated, consistent, and complete.

Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2008

AutoCAD Mechanical software, a purpose-built design and drafting application, offers significant productivity gains over basic AutoCAD software by simplifying complex mechanical design work. With standards-based libraries of parts and tools for automating design tasks, AutoCAD Mechanical accelerates the mechanical design process. Gain a competitive edge by saving countless hours of design and rework, so you can spend time innovating rather than managing workflow issues. AutoCAD Mechanical provides innovative design and drafting tools that are wholly focused on ease-of-use for the AutoCAD user.
Learn how creating mechanical designs with AutoCAD Mechanical software will give you a competitive edge by saving you countless hours of design and rework so you can spend time innovating rather than managing workflow issues.
Complete Features:
Discover the wide range of features that automate many common design tasks, saving you hours of design time. See why so many AutoCAD users are switching to AutoCAD Mechanical.
* Reduce Complex or Repetitive Tasks
* Reduce Errors in Design
* Increase Drafting Productivity
* Communicate & Manage Design Data