Thursday, December 6, 2007


MIDAS Civil is a Total Integrated Solution System for Civil Structural Engineering. The System combines General Purpose Structural Analysis Features and Civil Engineering-specific Structural Analysis Capabilities. It includes Pre-stressed Concrete Box, Suspension and Cable-Stayed Bridge Analysis features and other useful Civil Structure Analysis features such as Heat of Hydration analysis, which reflect Construction Sequence


taha5152 said...

the link seems to be there any other link...thanx

vivek said...

i am unable to crack midas civil 7.01 using lnd crack provided

Rafo Ráez said...

Hola a todos,ya me baje los 2 archivos del programa midas civil, lo he descomprimido pero no se como ejecutarlo, o cual es el siguiente paso para que funcione el programa? gracias.


demian said...

the link seems to be expired.. could you please renew the links..

thank you